Stop Playing the Google Ads Guessing Game and Start Driving Real Results

We take the guesswork out of Google Ads by creating, managing, and optimizing your campaigns for one low monthly rate with NO CONTRACTS.

Discover how our team of PPC experts can reduce your cost per lead, increase conversions, and skyrocket your profit.

Discover how our team of PPC experts can reduce your cost per lead, increase conversions, and skyrocket your profit.

Looking to Propel with Google Ads But Feeling Stuck on a Plateau?

Do any of these sound familiar?

Less Than Ideal ROIs. You want to believe that Google Ads can really work for you, but based on current results, you’re feeling skeptical.

Increasing Competition, Decreasing Results. The competitive landscape of Google Ads means your success is always up for the taking as new advertisers enter the marketplace.

Everchanging Features and Algorithms. Having to stay up to date with new updates is not only annoying, but can feel like a job in itself.

Difficulty Justifying Upping Your Budget. Although you have goals and milestones in mind, your results simply don’t provide enough peace of mind to increase ad spend.

Did you know that 4 out of 5 small business advertisers report feeling frustrated with their Google Ads results? Chances are if you’re anything like them then you’re no stranger to wondering if Google Ads is right for you and your business.

Don’t let Google Ads be the reason your business fails to thrive. Schedule a complimentary call today to learn more about how Biz Bridge can restore your hope in advertising without costing an arm and a leg.

Tired of Settling for Lackluster Results? Our FREE Audit Will Uncover Wasted Ad Spend – Limited Time Only

why biz bridge digital

Most Google Ads Agencies Come with a Catch. We Don’t.

No Long Term Contracts

Avoid ever feeling “stuck” or trapped by a large contract and instead enjoy a month to month payment plan that gives you full control.

Conversion Focused

While others might flex vanity metrics such as clicks and impressions, our sole focus is on optimizing around what actually matters… conversions.

Know Your Ads Manager

Experience total familiarity from day 1 as you communicate with your ads manager, who will be the only one touching your campaign.

Active and Ongoing Optimization

Enjoy a highly proactive approach to your Google Ads campaign with regular tests, expansions, audits, and adjustments.

Simple and Transparent Pricing

Forget hidden fees, complicated billing invoices, rate increases, and other pesky charges, your rate is forever locked in on Day 1.

Enjoy Full Ownership of All Assets

Regardless of whether you work with us for 1 month or 1 decade, you’ll always retain sole ownership of all intellectual property and accounts.

Our Proven Process at a Glance


Assess your future advertising goals and determine what’s helping you meet them and what’s standing in the way.


Customize a tailored advertising plan of attack to both improve KPIs and minimize any campaign liabilities and weaknesses.


Create a highly scalable campaign through strategic setup, timely optimization, and split testing as fresh datapoints roll in.

Rinse & Repeat

Consistently audit and adjust campaign to safeguard results against new competing advertisers, Google updates, and other threats.

Our Tried and True 6 Step Process.

Tailored for contractors and local businesses, our Google Ads service is your pathway to digital dominance. Specializing in creating, managing, and optimizing ad campaigns, we not only outshine competitors but also enhance results from your existing campaigns. Our proven 6-step process guarantees a top-notch makeover, ensuring a constant influx of leads. Plus, it’s hands-free – we take care of the heavy lifting for you.

Discovery & Goal Setting

We begin by delving into the intricacies of your business, understanding your target audience, and aligning with your goals. Together, we’ll collaboratively set clear and measurable objectives for your Google Ads campaign, ensuring it resonates with your overarching business aspirations.

Strategic Planning

Picture this as a roadmap tailored just for you. We craft a strategic plan for your ad campaign, ensuring it not only enhances key performance indicators but also minimizes any weaknesses your campaign might have.

Campaign Restructuring & Optimization

Let’s trim the excess and focus on what really works. We identify and eliminate wasteful spending, while simultaneously making key improvements to enhance your campaign’s effectiveness. Think of it as optimizing every element for success.

Reactive Performance Monitoring

Our eyes are always on the performance metrics. We regularly monitor your campaign, identifying trends and areas for improvement in real-time. It’s about staying agile and making adjustments to keep your campaign on the path to success.

Continuous Testing & Reporting

Think of this as a continuous improvement cycle. We’re always testing new ideas, creatives, and strategies. You receive regular reports filled with insights, ensuring your campaign is not just good but always getting better.

Scaling for Growth

Imagine your campaign growing organically. We expand your reach strategically, without compromising on cost-effectiveness. It’s about safeguarding your results, adapting to new challenges, and ensuring your growth is sustained.

Our Tried and True 6 Step Process.

Ready to Supercharge Your Ad Results?


Your no-cost assessment unveils tailored strategies for optimizing your Google Ads, revealing:

Identifying costly gaps in your current strategy

Cutting wasteful ad spend and avoiding Google’s money traps

Receiving a comprehensive, step-by-step action plan to amplify your ad profitability.


Got a Question? We’ve got Answers

Below are the most frequently asked questions about our done for you managed Google Ads service.

We specialize in helping small businesses of all backgrounds. From home service providers to brick and mortar businesses, white collar professionals, and beyond, Biz Bridge is focused on connecting small businesses with more of their ideal customers through Google Ads PPC advertising. We love helping others drive better results from their existing campaigns but we also work with new campaigns too!

Biz Bridge uses a two tier payment system that includes a one-time setup fee and ongoing monthly management fee. The one-time set up fee of most campaigns is $750. The setup fee takes care of the work we put in to creating a successful campaign. This includes the creation of landing pages and videos, implementing conversion tracking and click fraud detection software, and anything else that involves setting the campaign up for success. The monthly management fee will depend on the size and budget of the Google Ads campaign. For instance, all campaigns that spend less than $3,000 will be subject to a monthly management fee of $500. For campaigns that spend between $3,000 and $5,000 per month, the management fee will be $750.

Additionally, all Biz Bridge customers will be responsible for paying their Google Ads advertising budget. This expense goes 100% to Google and requires payment every month. While every industry and market is different, the average advertising budget required to be competitive is typically between $1,500 and $3,000 per month.

While every campaign will vary to some degree, clients who work with Biz Bridge almost always experience…

  • Lower CPC (cost per click)
  • Lower CPL (cost per lead)
  • More qualified prospects
  • Higher lead quality
  • More efficient ad spend
  • More scalable campaigns
  • Less wasteful ad spend
  • Better campaign insights
  • Enhanced campaign reporting
  • And more

*It should be noted that, as with any Google Ads campaign, there will always be an initial period of “downtime” in which results will be minimized as the campaign is being setup, optimized, and actively communicating back and forth with Google. This is simply unavoidable when it comes to Google Ads. However, this period typically only lasts between 2 and 3 months and is vital to the long term success of any campaign because it allows for critical data to be collected and shared with Google. Often times, clients will still experience some results during this time, but they should accept and acknowledge that these results will increase exponentially in the coming weeks as everything is dialed in.

At Biz Bridge, we pride ourself on offering a highly strategic Google Ads management style and choosing to only work with clients we feel confident we can help. However, as much as we believe in our process and have seen it deliver for clients, we cannot simply guarantee results outright, as much as we would like to.

At the end of the day, Biz Bridge and Google Ads are not a magic fix for business that do not have a solid sales process in place and/or offer a quality service or product. Additionally, because no two markets and businesses are exactly alike, every campaign is unique to some extent in the variables it presents.

However, we believe that anything worth pursuing always presents at least a small amount of risk. You can rest easy in knowing this risk does not usually affect the long term success of a campaign beyond the initial first several weeks of optimizing, fine-tuning, and split testing.

Biz Bridge believes the old adage that “numbers don’t lie” and as such, we are committed to using cold hard analytics as a driver for all decisions made when it comes to optimizing, adjusting, and changing your campaign in any way, shape, or form.

Within your Google Ads dashboard, there will be clear metrics that update in near live time. These metrics provide solid insights into the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of any campaign.

Simply put? There will be no smoke and mirrors to hide behind while your campaign is under Biz Bridge management, because you will be able to see all the numbers like cost per click, number of leads, and more for yourself.

Never. Simply pay month to month to enjoy our services.

You do. Regardless of how long you work with Biz Bridge, you’ll retain sole ownership of your account plus any assets and intellectual property that is created by Biz Bridge Digital.